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Best Race Results of the Peugeot 404

Month RallyePlaceDriver
Apr 60Tour d´Europe1., 3. and 4. of its classStroueh
Jan 61Rallye Algier-Zentralafrika2. of its classSimain and Comte
Feb 61Rallye de Marseille1. of its classZacharie and Lecoutour
Apr 61Eeast-Africa-Safari1., 3. and 4. of its class 
Apr 61BP-Rallye1., 2. and 3. place 
Apr 6112 heures d´Huy1. of its classHenrard
May 61Criterium de l´A.C.O.1. of the classementPelletey
Jun 61Int.Rallye der Polizei1. of the classement 
Jun 616 Std. vom Nürburgring1. of the general classement 
Sep 6112 Std.vom Nürburgring1. and 4. of the classement 
Sep 61Tour de France Automobil1. of the general classementGuiraud and Pizaro
Apr 62Eeast-Africa-Safari1. of its class and 2. of the general classement 
Apr 62Criterium de l´A.C.O.1. and 2. of the classement 
May 62Mobil Economy Run1. of the general classementMihalka and Esquivel
May 62Rallye de Lorraine1. of its class 
Jul 62Rallye Nil-Zentralafrika-Uganda1. of the general classement 
Aug 62Rallye du Nil1. of the general classement 
Sep 62Rallye d´Uganda1., 3. and 4. of the general classement 
Feb 63Rallye des Neiges1. of the classement 
Apr 63East-Africa-Safari1. of the general classementCliff and Nowicki
May 63Rallye de la Baule1. 
May 63Mobil Economy Run1. 
May 63Rallye de Lorraine1. 
Jun 63Rallye du Touquet1. 
Jul 63Rallye Shell Trans-Canada1. 
Oct 63Rallye du Nil1. of its class 
Nov 63Grand Prix von Argentinien1. of the general classement and constructors championshipCabalen
Mar 64Rallye d´Uganda1. of the general classementCliff and Nowicki
Mar 64Eeast-Africa-Safari1. of its class 
May 64Rallye de Printemps1. of the classement 
Aug 641000 Meilen vo Tansania1. and 2. of the classement 
Oct 64Caltex-Rallye1., 2. and 3. place 
Apr 65Eeast-Africa-Safari2. of the general classement 
May 65Mobil Economy Run1. 
Sep 65Tansania-Rallye2., 3. and 4. of the general classement 
Oct 65Argentinien-RallyewinnerSantamarina
Nov 65Criterium des Cévennes1. 
Feb 66Rallye de Lorraine1. and 2. place 
Apr 66Eeast-Africa-Safari1. of the general classementRothwell and Shankland
May 66Kongo-Rallye1. 
Oct 661000 Meilen vo Tansania1. of the classement 
Nov 66Tour de Corse1. 
Mar 67Eeast-Africa-Safari1. of the general classement ( 12 x 404 in finish )Rothwell and Shankland
Apr 67Mobil Economy Run1. and 2. of class V and diesel class 
May 67Shell-Rallye1. and 2. place 
Aug 671000 Meilen von Tansania2. of the classement and Markenwinner 
Aug 67Agip-Rallye von Uganda1. of the general classement 
Sep 67Zypern-Rallye1. 
Mar 68Paraguay-Rallye1. of its classJaegli and de Barath
Apr 67Eeast-Africa-Safari1. of the general classementCliff and Nowicki
1967San-Juan-Coquimbo-San-Juan1. and 2. of the general classementMigliore and Casa
Sep 67Ruanda-Rallye2. of the classement and 1. of its class 
1969Int.Rallye Rosario-Asunction1. in the finishQuevedos and de Barath
1969Tercer Premio Vuelta de la Manzana1., 4., 5. and 6. in the finishMigliore, Miotti, Bonanno and Lopez
1969San-Juan-Coquimbo-San-Juan1., 2., 4. and 5. in the finishCastanou
1969Argentinien-Rallye1. of the general classementNorberto and Castanon

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